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Call to Action!!! Need EVERYONE to ACT on this!! FPA Bill being heard in the NJ Senate Health Committee

Posted over 1 year ago by Victoria Eftychiou in Call to Action!

This announcement has 2 attachments:

Dear NJ APNs,


The time has come! On Thursday, Dec 15, 2022 at 1 pm, the Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee (SHH) will be hearing our Full Practice Authority Bill S1522. APN groups along with NJSNA will be represented in providing testimony in favor of the bill. 


Here is where you come in.  We need your help to ensure a successful outcome. The first attachment is a template letter for you to customize and send to all members of the SHH Committee. We recommend that you copy, edit and then paste your letter directly in an email and do NOT send  as an attachment.  Then please send us a quick email so we can keep track of how many letters are sent out and to whom. This must be done on or before Wednesday! 


For your convenience, the second attachment to this email provides the names and emails of all Senate HHS Committee members.  It also contains the names of the towns they represent.   Please review and see if you live in a town represented by one of these Committee members.  If so, please be sure to note that in your letter.  A letter from a constituent always has more impact.


Please send an email to each member of the State Senate Health Committee.


Remember, please let us know that you have accomplished this task. Our emails are a critical step in getting the bill voted favorably out of committee and on to the next step. 


We greatly appreciate your patience as the legislative process is typically slow.  As you know, we face tremendous opposition from organized medicine.  We are counting on you now to do your part. We need to all work together as we move this critical legislation forward.


It takes a Nursing Village!

Thank you from Team APN-NJ


Suzanne Drake, PhD, APN 

Executive Director, APN-NJ

See attachments.

Posted by: V. Eftychiou, APN

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